About Me

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Fellow of the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Culture, University of Southampton. Tolkien Society Education Officer. Facilitator for the Tolkien, Shakespeare, and Poetry Reading Groups hosted by the Central Library Southampton. Contact for Tolkien-related matters: educationATtolkiensocietyDOTorg. For all other enquiries: lynnevdaATclaraDOTcoDOTuk

Current Research Projects

  • Sixteenth-century politics in Shakespeare's The Tempest
  • The Significance of the Matter of England in The Lord of the Rings. Associated with this and with the course on Romances see the link to Bevis of Hampton
  • Poetry and its influence in The Lord of the Rings

Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Culture

For more information about the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Culture, School of Humanities, University of Southampton, including graduate seminars and conferences, see www.soton.ac.uk/cmrc/

See also http://www.soton.ac.uk/cmrc/research/fellows.html

Sunday, 25 March 2012

New Course: English Poetry in the 20th and 21st centuries

A new course on developments in the poetry of the British Isles is being prepared.

It will begin with T.S. Eliot and cover poets such as Basil Bunting, Ted Hughes, Philip Larkin, and J.H. Prynne, and Derek Walcott.

Female poets will include Sylvia Plath, U.A. Fanthorpe, and Liz Lockhead.

The course will begin on 10th May 2012

For further details please contact me via the email address given here or see details in Southampton Central Library, where the course will be held.

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